The Nevada Psychological Association presents
Keeping On Your Toes: Timely Topics in Clinical Supervision Presented by Michelle Paul, Ph.D. 3 Homestudy CE Credits

Approved for Nevada Psychologists, LCSWs and MFTs. NPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
About the Workshop
This pre-recorded presentation provides an overview of the Competency-Based Model of Supervision and its application within the Profession-Wide Competencies of the Health Service Psychologist. Particular emphasis is placed on key components of best-practice supervision principles and methods including establishing a supervision contract, attending to the supervision relationship, supervising with intention, integrating diversity, equity, inclusion and cultural humility into the supervision space, and providing evaluation, feedback and remediation.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this pre-recorded presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Define competency as a combined set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. 2. Demonstrate a meta-awareness of the profession-wide competencies of the Health Service Psychologist, including the critical competency of clinical supervision. 3. Identify the tenets and principles of the practice of competency-based supervision. 4. Identify the essential elements of a supervision contract. 5. Explain how to meet the diverse needs of trainees. 6. Describe the importance of modeling respect for diversity and multicultural competence through your supervision. 7. Demonstrate effective, growth-promoting, strategies for evaluating supervisee competency development including remediation planning.
About the Speaker
Michelle Paul, Ph.D. is a Professor In Residence at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She joined the UNLV Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program as the Associate Director of Clinical Training in 2004. Her position is unique within the department as she is fully devoted to the coordination and oversight of doctoral students' clinical, or practicum, competency development. To that end, Dr. Paul's duties are centered on teaching clinical courses, providing clinical supervision and overseeing practicum training. She has taught clinical supervision and a professional seminar for over 15 years. She received the UNLV and NSHE Advisor of the Year Award in 2018.
She is also The Workday Endowed Executive Director of UNLV PRACTICE: A Community Mental Health Clinic, a clinical nationally recognized for its innovative training. UNLV PRACTICE is a sliding scale clinic where graduate students from multiple disciplines provide a variety of mental and behavioral health services to a diverse community. This training clinic offers counseling and psychology graduate students the opportunity to learn clinical functions under best-practice faculty supervision.
In addition to her leadership in education and training, Dr. Paul has strong generalist clinical training with particular interests in children, families, and clinical and forensic psychological assessment. She is devoted to professional service. As long-time member of the Nevada Psychological Association, she has served as the Public Education Coordinator, Legislative Committee Chair, Southern Region President, and Executive Board President. She was honored by the Association for Outstanding Advocate for Psychology" in 2004, 2008, 2011, and 2019; and received the James Mikawa Award for Outstanding Psychologist in 2009. She was appointed by Governor Brian Sandoval to serve the Nevada Board of Psychological Examiners from 2011- 2019 and as Board President for 3 years. Currently, Dr. Paul serves as the 3rd year Board of Directors, Member-at-Large/Education and Training Liaison for the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB).
Dr. Paul received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Vermont in 1997. She has worked in the Las Vegas community as a practicing psychologist since 1999.
This presentation is intended for psychologists, other licensed mental health providers, and graduate students of psychology.
General Information
Access to Webinar/Handout Materials: This is a 3-hour pre-recorded presentation for homestudy CE credit. Electronic copy of handout materials will be sent out by email to attendee after registration is completed along with link(s) to view pre-recorded live, virtual webinar
Refunds & Grievance Policy: Participants may direct questions or grievances to NPA at (888) 654-0050.
Approval and CE credit: Nevada Psychological Association (NPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. NPA maintains responsibility for the program and its content.
If you want to receive homestudy CE credit for this pre-recorded presentation, you will need to complete and pass an online Post-Test Questions form. According to APA’s Standards and Criteria for Approval of Sponsors, attendee must score at least 75% accuracy to qualify for CE credit, ensuring that attendee did actually attend and complete the program. Partial credit will not be issued to those that do not score at least 75% on posttest. Attendees are allowed three attempts to complete and pass the online posttest to receive CE credit.
Completion of the evaluation form is appreciated, forms are tabulated and reported to our CE Committee for discussion, analysis of participants’ satisfaction with content, instructor performance, etc.
CE certificate will be issued via email within 72 hours of receipt of post test and evaluation form, provided a passing score is obtained.
1. American Psychological Association. Benchmarks Evaluation System. Updated 2012. Retrieved September 18, 2022.
2. Falender, C. A. & Shafranske, E.P. (2016). Supervision Essentials for the Practice of Competency-Based Supervision. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
3. Brown, C. E., Boness, C. L., & Sheerin, K. M. (2022). Supporting students in health service psychology training: A theory-driven approach to meeting the diverse needs of trainees. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 16(1), 78-86. & McDowell (2010) Intersectionality, Power, and Relational Safety in Context: Key Concepts in Clinical Supervision. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 4(1), 29-35.
4. Jacobs, S., Huprich, S., Grus, C., Cage, E., Elman, N., Forrest, L., Schwartz-Mette, R., Shen-Miller, D., Van Sickle, K., & Kaslow, N. (2011). Trainees with professional competency problems: Preparing trainers for difficult but necessary conversations. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 5(3), 175-184.
5. Patallo, B. J. (2019). The multicultural guidelines in practice: Cultural humility in clinical training and supervision. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 13(3), 227–232.
6. Ramírez Stege, A. M., Chin, M. Y., & Graham, S. R. (2020). A critical postcolonial and resilience-based framework of supervision in action. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 14(4), 316–323.
7. Vacha-Haase, T., Elman, N. S., Forrest, L., Kallaugher, J., Lease, S. H., Veilleux, J. C., & Kaslow, N. J. (2019). Remediation plans for trainees with problems of professional competence. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 13(4), 239–246.
8. Wilbur, R. C., Kuemmel, A. M., & Lackner, R. J. (2019). Who’s on first? Supervising psychology trainees with disabilities and establishing
I have the following potential conflicts of interest (list all from past 12 months): I have no financial disclosures. I sit on the ASPPB Board of Directors as the third year member at large/liaison to the education and training community.