Sleep Disorders: Treatments for Youth Across Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence Presented by Michelle Grimes, Ph.D. 3 Homestudy CE credits
 Approved for Nevada Psychologists, MFTs and LCSWs. NPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
About the Workshop:
This presentation reviews common evidence-based treatments for sleep disorders in youth. Information on prevalence and health impacts of pediatric sleep disruption is also discussed. The presentation also focuses on interventions for common sleep disorders that present during infancy, childhood, and adolescence.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this pre-recorded CE workshop, attendees will be able to: 1) Describe identified racial disparities in sleep among children. 2) Identify at least one circumstance where sleep-related medical consultation would be necessary. 3) Explain one evidence-based intervention approach for pediatric sleep concerns.
This presentation is intended for psychologists, other licensed mental health providers, and graduate students of psychology.
About the Speaker:
Michelle Grimes, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Child Clinical Psychology at Southern Utah University. Her clinical and research interests focus on behavior disorders of childhood, sibling conflict, and pediatric sleep disorders.
Dr. Grimes is a licensed psychologist with specialized training in clinical child psychology. During her short time at SUU she has developed the annual SUU Child Behavioral Health Conference, which offers continuing education for behavioral health professionals in the community.
Dr. Grimes earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Oregon, a Master of Science in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Idaho State University. Her postdoctoral fellowship with the Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine focused on clinical child psychology. Dr. Grimes' CV
Additional Information:
General Information
Access to Webinar/Handout Materials
This is a 3-hour pre-recorded presentation for homestudy CE credit. Electronic copy of handout materials will be sent out by email to attendee after registration is completed along with link(s) to view pre-recorded live, virtual webinar.
Refunds & Grievance Policies
Participants may direct questions or complaints to NPA to 888-654-0050.
Approved by Nevada Board of Psychological Examiners. Nevada Psychological Association (NPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. NPA maintains responsibility for the program and its content. NPA will issue certificates of completion. APA CE rules require that we only issue credits to those who watch the entire pre-recorded presentation and complete an online posttest which will be scored. A passing grade is required to receive CE credit.
Kuhn, B. R. (2014). Practical strategies for managing behavioral sleep problems in young children. Sleep Medicine Clinics, 9(2), 181–197.
Kuhn, B. R., LaBrot, Z. C., Ford, R., & Roane, B. M. (2019). Promoting independent sleep onset in young children: Examination of the excuse me drill. Behavioral Sleep Medicine.
Mindell, J. A., & Owens, J. A. (2015). A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep : Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems: Vol. Third edition. Wolters Kluwer Health.
Smith, J., Hardy, S., Hale, L., & Gazmararian, J. (2019). Racial disparities and sleep among preschool aged children: a systematic review. Sleep Health, 5(1), 49-57
Williamson, A., Rubens, S., Patrick, K, Moore, M., & Mindell, J. (2017) Differences in sleep patterns and problems by race in a clinical sample of black and white preschoolers. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 13(11) 1281-1288