Treatment of Insomnia: An Introduction and Step-by-Step Guide to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) Presented by Joseph M. Dzierzewski, Ph.D. 6 CE Credits
 Approved for Nevada Psychologists, MFTs and LCSWs. NPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
About the Workshop
Insomnia is a very common disorder, impacting 10% of men and 20% of women, and is nearly ubiquitous in patients with other mental health conditions and those experiencing significant life stress. Importantly for mental health practitioners, unaddressed insomnia can impact the course and success of other mental health treatments. The recommended first-line treatment for insomnia is cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). This course is designed to introduce this highly effective approach. After providing foundational knowledge about sleep and covering the basic components of the approach, adaptations for diverse patient groups will be discussed, including adaptations for working with comorbid physical and psychological conditions.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this pre-recorded program, participants will be able to: 1. Describe how insomnia can impact other symptoms and problems in their patients. 2. Describe the cognitive-behavioral model for the development and maintenance of insomnia symptoms. 3. Implement the cognitive and behavioral components of CBT-I in their work with patients. 4. Identify diverse patient groups that require adaptation to the treatment approach.
This presentation is intended for psychologists, other licensed mental health providers, and graduate students of psychology.
About the Speaker
Dr. Joseph Dzierzewski is a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive expertise in the psychological treatment of sleep disorders, including insomnia. Dr. Dzierzewski has an active research program, with over 70 peer-reviewed publications and is investigator on over $4 million in active research grants. Following stints at both the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and the Greater Los Angeles Healthcare system, he now serves as Assistant Professor of Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University where he is Director of the Behavioral Medicine Concentration within the APAP-accredited doctoral program in clinical psychology. Dr. Dzierzewski's CV
General Information
Access to Webinar/Handout Materials
This is a 6-hour pre-recorded homestudy presentation. Electronic copy of handout materials will be sent out by email to attendee after registration is completed along with a link to view pre-recorded webinar.
Refunds & Grievance Policies
Participants may direct questions or complaints to NPA to 888-654-0050.
Nevada Psychological Association (NPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. NPA maintains responsibility for the program and its content. NPA will issue certificates of completion. Post test must be completed, specified passing criterion must be met before credit may be awarded. Variable credit for partial attendance will not be awarded.
- Dzierzewski, J. M., Ravyts, S. G., Dautovich, N. D., Perez, E., *Schreiber, D., & Rybarczyk, B. D. (2020). Mental Health and Sleep Disparities in an Urban College Sample: A Longitudinal Examination of White and Black Students. Journal of Clinical Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22974
- Dzierzewski, J. M., Martin, J. L., Fung, C. F., Song, Y., Fiorentino, L., Jouldjian, S., Rodriguez, J. C., Mitchell, M., Josephson, K., & Alessi, C. A. (2019). CBT for Late-Life Insomnia and the Accuracy of Sleep and Wake Perceptions: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Sleep Research, 28(4): e12809. doi: 10.1111/jsr.12809
- Dzierzewski, J. M., *Griffin, S. C., *Ravyts, S. G., & Rybarczyk, B. (2018). Psychological interventions for late-life insomnia: Current and emerging science. Current Sleep Medicine Reports, 4(4), 268-277. doi: 10.2007/s40675.018.0129.0
- Rodriguez, J.C., Dzierzewski, J.M., & Martin, J.L. (2015). Chronic Insomnia and its Non-Pharmacological Management: Applications in Long Term Care. Annals of Long-Term Care: Clinical Care and Aging, 23(12), 25-29.
Additional Information
There is no potential conflict of interest and/or commercial support for this program or its presenter.